Friday, February 27, 2009
My late father CAPT O.M.NOORDIN
This letter was written by me to and was published in the front page today 27TH FEBRUARY 08.
SAD WITH THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN MALAYSIA: It is with much sadness that I write this letter, not because of anything but because of the political situation of Malaysia. The Yang Berhormat elected (representatives) by the people are using their platform to attack one another, using words that can cause unrest among the multi racial people of our beloved country. We, the people, are sick and tired of the individuals we voted to look after our interests are using this platform to vent their anger instead of check and balance in running the country in the now trying times.
There is actually no hatred among the multi racial Malaysians, we live in peace and harmony. STOP! STOP NOW Yang Berhormat. Think before you speak, outside or inside the parliament. You are supposed to be role models that the rakyat can follow through good times and bad times. The rakyat have got to put up with you until the next General Elections. We will know what to do then but PLEASE DON'T DESTROY THE UNITY OF MALAYSIANS OUR FATHERS FOUGHT SO HARD TO PRESERVE OR GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE MOST HATED MALAYSIANS EVER TO BE VOTED IN PARLIAMENT. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH, YANG BERHORMAT!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My favourite animal THE HORSES
Friday, February 20, 2009
photos with meaning and message
Thursday, February 19, 2009
After all the anxiety of the numbness in my hand and sometimes the sole of my feet,i found out that its the side effects of the treatments.The numbness will go away,only no one knows for how long more it will be bothering me.So i decided to blank it from my mind and carry on with life and enjoy every minute of it.INSYAALLAH,GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
going into the tunnel of love MRI
Something new came up yesterday when my left hand felt numb.Saw my oncologist,and was refer to see a neurologist. After checking i was advised to do a MRI,or as i always called it my tunnel of love.(see picture).So 11.30 am 18th February i will be at the imaging dept getting ready for my MRI of the head and neck and my hands.INSYAALLAH. Family and friends your prayers is needed.GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Whether you realize it or not, you're throwing the boomerang today. As you
may know, a boomerang is an angular club you toss away from you that
eventually returns to you. In the game of life, you throw the boomerang daily,
in the form of actions and behaviours that you send out into the world, and
that return to you at some later date -- often multiplied on the rebound.insyaallah.
You've probably heard this principle stated in different ways, including "What
goes around comes around." and "As you sow, so shall you reap."
But how does this principle apply to your day-to-day life?
Simply put, if you treat others with love and respect, you will find that others
will generally love and respect you.insyaallah
If you serve others, you will likely be served. Of course, this "law" also
applies to negative behaviors. If you are critical and judgmental, don't be
surprised when you are criticized and judged.
Before we continue, let's clear up some misconceptions about the boomerang
principle. Many people don't believe in it because they fail to view it with a
long-term perspective.
In fact, the return for your actions is seldom immediate.
There is often a long delay between your actions and the rebounding
So, if you feel that you are living a "good life" -- that you are helping others,
being loyal to your friends, creative in business, and loving to your family --
and that you have yet to receive any great reward, don't despair.
First of all, you might be overlooking the blessings that already exist in your
Or, you may consider what Ralph Waldo Emerson believed about delayed
rewards -- that your good deeds are earning compound interest in the
"universal bank," building up value over time, and that, one day, you will
receive handsome dividends. It is in this fashion that the universe rewards
persistent people who diligently plod away at their ultimate goal ... and then
(suddenly, it seems) attain outrageous success!insyaallah
People also have trouble with the boomerang principle because they look for
the return to come from the same person to whom they gave something. It
doesn't usually work that way. You'll never know where the return will be
coming from -- or when it will arrive -- but it always comes.insyaallah
Perhaps the most useful way to observe this principle in action is to look at it
"in reverse." In other words, focus on what is coming to you in life -- that will
tell you what you have been sending out.
Thus, if you aren't receiving something that you want (e.g., friendship, love or
honesty), consider the possibility that
you have been withholding these things from those around
you. What you withhold from others will be withheld from you. When you
start giving these things, you will activate the flow back to yourself.
It's really quite simple: send it out and receive it back.
So, if you want to receive love ... give love. If you want people to appreciate
you ... show your appreciation for others. And, if you want others to help
you, then lend a helping hand yourself.
You have the power to create the life you want. It all depends on how you
throw the boomerang!INSYAALLAH this may help you understand life and able to be happy always.GOD BLESS.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Don McLean’s song American Pie, with the words ‘the day the music died’, seemed to sum up the feeling
around me in the days following the confirmation by my doctor of my CANCER.(Operated on 8Th July 08 and confirmation of cancer on 18Th July 08.)
I found myself walking through thick air, with a sense of deadness within my soul. I watched the people on
the street and noticed a slowness of movement and a blank, confused, and painful look in their eyes. Fear,
anger, sadness and lethargy seemed to have found their way into the hearts and minds of most of the
people living on the planet.
Time moved forward and we began to heal and recover. But something was different; something had
changed on a deeper level within us all. We all knew that life would go on, but never quite like before.
That period of time, I really experienced just how close and connected I could feel to another person. That was the
time, that I really forgot myself and in doing so, I felt that I had come as close as I had ever been to being
human. To feel human, I realised, was to acknowledge my own soul, to question mortality and to not fear
or resent it.
The fight with CANCER, changed me in a way that I could not quite define. I was aware of a lack of energy, a
sadness; a pessimism. A shadow had descended onto and into me. Finally I pinpointed it - I had no joy.
Joy: the lightness of being. Joy to me is the quiet nature of happiness. It’s a calm happiness, a sense of
feeling right with the world and with myself. Yes, lack of joy is like having your own personal music die.
I asked myself if the world had changed so much. Was the world really a bad place? Were people really
all hostile and mean spirited? It seemed to me that everywhere I turned and everyone I spoke with
bombarded me with messages of fear.
My father’s death,in FEB of 1980 had created a sense of vulnerability within me that I had not known before. My
foundation became shaky as I realised my personal reality had been permanently changed. My ‘rock’ no
longer existed. I’m sure that I would have been fine if I had been able to deal with my grief in my own
time. But, when CANCER came into my life, it felt like the whole world had changed
and all of life had become vulnerable and fearful.
I also wondered if I was becoming too old to enjoy life as I had done in my youth. No, I wasn’t
depressed, but I must say I felt like I had become ‘beige’. Beige is a safe colour, but also a bland colour.
It never offends, but neither does it inspire. My life was feeling beige, my life had lost its music and I had
lost my joy.
I finally became so angry at myself for having CANCER.I was devastated,my world started to fall apart,i was now
feeling tired and lacking joy that was, when, I decided it was time to take some aggressive action and turn it around.
My quest for the return of my joy had begun.
I thought back over my life and recalled the person I used to be. I wondered how so much time had
passed without me realising, how far I had drifted away from the happy, positive, motivated person that I used to be.
I guess I had just let myself drift away until I ended up in this beige world. I became fascinated with how the mind influences behaviour and habits.
You think - you feel - you act. Your actions reinforce your thoughts and there you have your belief cycle.
Good nutrition is vital to gaining and maintaining physical health. Self awareness and positive perception is
vital to your emotional well being. During the six months of firstly,CHEMO,then RADIATION something else emerged within me and completely
changed my life. I discovered a sense of my spiritual self through prayers and getting closer to GOD ALMIGHTY,INSYAALLAH.
So, getting back to the time i was diagnosed with CANCER and the realisation that I had become beige and joyless. My first priority was in
getting my health and vitality back. I was determined to get on top of the cancer treatments. A few things were
already blatantly obvious and diet headed the list; I eliminated or reduced my consumption of junk food,
sugar, white flour, packaged and processed foods and saturated fats. I started to graze on food rather than
eat large meals. I ate and drank healthy, and my vitality increased as my pain decreased.
I kept a journal and I wrote affirmations which I repeated throughout the
day and prior to falling asleep.
Because I was focused on getting well, I became very aware of the many negative influences around me.
Television, radio and newspapers had to be taken lightly I could not keep my head clear with the media’s obsession
with doom and gloom.
I also had to have a few serious conversations with the people in my life about topics that I would no
longer engage in. I needed to discipline my thoughts against entertaining fear, guilt or worry.ALHAMDULLILAH,SYUKUR,there were good friends and families always being there for me in times of my needs,my boss also my best friend,my colleagues,my mum,my only brother TOMMY,my sons and daughters,my family here and overseas and most of all my tower of strength,my darling wife INA.
In 2009, about 3 weeks after ending my treatments, I was feeling like my old self again, but I was also aware that the world around me still appeared
to be thick and joyless. I couldn't help but feel that the universe needed to be healed. There seemed to be
so much negative influence in conversations. People appeared to be expecting the worst of each other. I
noticed a great deal of criticism, cynicism and sarcasm. I became concerned that the repetition and
exaggeration of negativity would expand and grow.
I had in the meantime, turned my life around. I had cleanse myself and I had reclaimed my joy. I found myself compelled
to add this energy into the atmosphere. Change does not come with one giant action. Change comes by
one person picking up one other. 2 people pick up 4 and then 4 pick up 16. One act of kindness, a word
of encouragement or simply a hug. Too often, we feel we have too little to offer so we do nothing. It only
takes one person, one voice or one hand extended to start a chain reaction.
With this understanding, I decided to put a few of my health knowledge and insights onto my blog, I
felt at the time it was only a small step, but I believed that if there was anyone out there in need of this
information, then surely I should make it available.
I am not alone in wanting peace,health and happiness or in believing that it is possible. I may have started out as only one voice
with one hand extended, but there are hands across the world now joining together. We all want health,
peace and happiness. We long to connect and belong. The spirit within will always strive to fly.
I believe that our perception of the world may have changed, but our hearts have not.We all want to live happy, healthy,safe,harmonious and treat our homes and our living to be like heaven on earth.INSYAALLAH,GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
down but not out with flu
Monday, February 9, 2009
I pray and hope that sharing this info will be beneficial to all my families and friends,INSYAALAH.
The first and last thing we do in life is breathe. Breathing is the difference
between life and death. It is the single most important thing that you do in life
and it is the single most valuable thing you have or will ever have.
Breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping are the four essentials of life. Of the
four, breathing is the one that God did not give you much control over. It’s far
too essential. You can make bad choices about sleeping, eating and drinking
and you can survive for some time without them, but you can only survive for a
few minutes without breathing!
Considering how immensely important it is, you can only wonder why we know
so little about it or why we pay so little attention to it. Some people hardly
breathe down into their neck. Many take miserly little breaths that hardly move
the lungs. Very few of us breathe into the abdominal area. Ideally, each breath
should empty and refill your lungs with every exhalation and inhalation.
Inhalation brings in oxygen and exhalation releases carbon dioxide and other
Air is abundant and free, but we all act as if we were on an ‘Oxygen Budget’.
There is no vitamin, mineral, medicine, exercise or medical procedure that will
ever come close to having the health giving and life saving benefits of air. Many
are searching for the great elixir of life. Many of us spend fortunes on new
products or services that promise better health or longevity. We read magazines
or research papers to find new cures or life enhancing products, but very rarely
do we use our own common sense and natural resources.
We hear a lot about the health benefits of aerobic exercise. But did you realize
that the greatest benefit of aerobic exercise is not so much the movement
(although very beneficial and important) but from the deeper, faster breathing.
Pumping in all of that oxygen is where the health benefits come from. Many
people cannot do aerobic exercises. Yet these are the very people who vitally
need the additional oxygen. Well, it’s so easy - simply breathe. Even an invalid
can lie in bed and breathe deeply and slowly. If they did this for a few weeks,
they would be amazed by the healing power and increased energy they would
At the risk of sounding cynical, I will state right now that you don’t hear about
the benefits of breathing because no one has yet worked out a way of marketing
it. There’s no money in selling the concept of breathing. Imagine the fortune that
could be made if advertisers had a product that improved the immune system,
normalized blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, improved circulation,
decreased or eliminated pain, reduced inflammation, increased mental well-
being, decreased or eliminated depression and anxiety, reduced wrinkles and
gave the skin and eyes a clear radiance, fought bacteria, viruses and parasites,
removed toxins and gases from the body, increased energy and improved
digestion and elimination.
Let me inspire you to further explore what could be the single most important
knowledge you will ever acquire; totally free, with no hidden agenda. Breathing
will cost you nothing. It does not require time. You can breathe while watching
television, lying in bed, travelling to work, absolutely anywhere and anytime.
The only place I do not recommend deep breathing is in a steam filled
environment, i.e., not in the bath or shower as water often has chlorine and
other chemicals in it.
I believe that the most effective research comes from trying something yourself
in order to prove its validity. Absolutely no harm can come from breathing. I
truly believe that if you simply breathe deeply and slowly for at least 30 minutes
a day, you will have amazing results.
Many health problems are caused, or maintained by prolonged stress. Healing is
impaired by stress. Pain is increased or prolonged by stress. Breathing deeply
reduces stress, but more importantly it prevents stress from building and adding
to itself. A person who is already stressed will easily becomes more stressed
without any real provocation. We all know people who ‘fly off the handle’ at
the most insignificant things or in an irrational way, not because of any real
provocation, but simply because they are on stress overload.
Regular deep breathing minimizes stress. In the long term you will find that the
more relaxed you are the less likely it is that little things will irritate you.
Deep breathing also relaxes muscles. A lot of back, neck and stomach pain is
frequently caused by muscles being squeezed so tightly that over time the areas
become painful. In some cases, the body permanently takes on the shape of the
tension, such as hunched shoulders and facial wrinkles. Stomach and bowel
problems are often the result of habitually squeezing or tensing the muscles in
these areas.
The immune system needs oxygen to function effectively. The immune system is
a huge chemical factory. All the doctors, scientists and pharmacists in the world
do not have the intelligence of the immune system. When it comes to your body,
this is the army of all armies. It will work hard to capture, kill and destroy any
invader, such as bacteria, viruses, allergens, parasites and yeast infections.
Correct breathing helps to prevent premature aging and degenerative diseases.
The best beauty treatment available is breathing. Just look at your skin and eyes
after doing a simple exercise.
Most people believe we get most of our energy from food, but this not so. It is
estimated that as much as 75% of our physical and mental energy is provided
by oxygen. People often take great care with their nutritional needs, adding
vitamins, minerals and all sorts of health promoting products. Without effective
breathing, your digestive system cannot fully metabolise many of these additives.
A large percentage of these additives are not absorbed or transported
throughout your body. Many of us think that toxins and waste products are
eliminated via our skin, bowels and bladder; we forget that a vast amount of our
elimination is via breathing.
Deep breathing greatly influences emotions and general well-being. With deep
breathing, we can calm ourselves when in a state of anxiety or fear.
Many religious and philosophical practices use breath therapy to bring a richer
or more enlightened state of mind. In recent years, the western world has
adopted many of these principles. Breathing techniques are used to calm the
mind and focus your attention on the greater wisdom of your own body and
mind. Your instincts become stronger and your thinking becomes clearer. Many
people experience a deeper sense of mind, body and spiritual well-being.
I am not endorsing or promoting any particular technique. You should consider
seeking further information elsewhere if you feel that you would like to explore
these options.
But, I am highly recommending that you try deep, long, slow breathing as a daily
exercise to improve health and well-being, release stress, and re-energise your
mind and body. Give it at least two weeks and make up your own mind by
experiencing the benefits.INSYAALLAH.GOD BLESS AND AMEEN
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I received an email from a good friend and i find the info useful to all and i would like to share it with families and friends with the hope and prayers that it will help with regards to health.INSYAALLAH.
Question One: What is the origin of cancer or where does cancer begin?
Cancerous tissue, above all other consequences of choice,
has countless secondary causes. But even for a cancerous condition there is only ONE PRIME ORIGIN and CAUSE. I have simply summarized this origin and cause of cancerous
tissue in a few words. The prime origin and cause of cancerous tissue is the over- acidification of the tissues and the blood due to lifestyle and dietary choices. A cancerous tissue begins with our choices of what we eat, what we drink, what we think and how we live. Cancer is a liquid and this liquid is a toxic acidic waste product of metabolism or energy consumption, diet and especially our thoughts or emotions. In 1966, Dr. Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 for his discovery of the cause of cancer delivered a lecture at an annual meeting of Nobelists at Lindau, Germany. In his speech he described the primal
cause of cancer as follows:
"The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate anaerobes, whereas all cancer cells
are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms. Namely, a
fermentation of glucose."
The following is a summary of understanding cancerous tissues:
1) Cancer is not a cell but a poisonous acidic liquid.
2) A cancer cell, is a cell that has been
spoiled or poisoned by metabolic or gastrointestinal acids.
3) A tumor is the body's protective mechanism to encapsulate
spoiled or poisoned cells from excess acid that has not
been properly eliminated through urination, perspiration,
defecation or respiration.
4) The tumor is the body's solution to protect surrounding
healthy cells and tissues.
5) Cancer is a systemic acidic condition that settles at the
weakest parts of the body - not a localized problem
that metastases.
6) Metastases is localized acids spoiling other cells much like
a rotten apple spoiling a bushel of healthy apples.
7) There is no such thing as a cancer cell.
A cancer cell was once a healthy cell that has been spoiled
by acid.
8) The tumor is not the problem but the solution to protect
healthy cells and tissues from being spoiled from other
rotting cells and tissues.
9) All tumors are encapsulated cells that are spoiling like a
10) All tumors are sitting in a mote of acidic fluids. This is what
forms the cyst that is generally attached to the tumor.
11) Cancer is NOT genetic! Lifestyle and dietary choice is
what causes cancer.
12) The only solution to the acidic liquids that poison body
cells causing the effects that medical savants call cancer
is to alkalize and energize the body.
13) The best way to alkalize the body is to infuse natural
alkalizing fluids into the body to force the hyper-alkalization
of the tissues.
14) The cure for cancer is in alkalizing the fluids of the body
not treating the tissues.
In conclusion, the human body is alkaline by design and
acidic by function! If we desire a fit and healthy body we
must maintain that alkaline design.
Question Two: Does diet and lifestyle have anything to do with
Absolutely! Cancer is not something we get it is something we
do as a consequence of daily choice of what we eat, what we
drink, how we think and how we live. We either have an
alkaline lifestyle and diet and enjoy a fit and healthy body or
we have an acidic lifestyle and diet and experience
the aches, pains and suffering from metabolic and dietary
The former US Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop,
had this to say about diet:
Question Three: If cancer is preventable how do we
prevent it?
I have said many times that the cure for cancerous tissue will
be found in its prevention not in its cure. That prevention can
only be obtained by making healthier lifestyle and dietary
choices. A cancerous condition is the consequence of
choice. For example, if you want to reduce your risk for
cancerous tissue of the lung by 100%, then stop smoking
and stop associating or working around people who do
smoke. Secondary smoke is just as acidic and damaging to
the lung tissue as primary smoke.
If you don't want a cancerous liver then stop drinking alcohol
and carbonated drinks.
If you don't want a cancerous pancreas then stop eating the
acid, sugar.
If you don't want a cancerous bowel then stop eating protein.
It is that simple. The following are a few research studies from
around the world that substantiate my own findings:
Study: Human study at Harbin Medical College in China
Results: CABBAGE was the most important single food
in reducing the risk of stomach cancer.
Study: Italian study on Smokers
Results: Smokers who consumed GREEN LEAFY and other
their risk of lung cancer with smokers who rarely ate
Study: Hebel Cancer Institute in China
Results: GARLIC, ONION AND TOMATO had the ability to
INHIBIT the CELL MUTATION caused by common
chemotherapeutic drugs... this is based on
conclusive evidence that chemotherapy drugs cause
cell mutations and lead to other types of cancers
later in life.
Study: Mayo Clinic
Results: Cancer patients receiving radiation therapy can
benefit dramatically from optimal VEGETABLE based
Study: University of Athens School of Medicine in Greece
Results: Women who consumed the LOWEST level of
vegetables had 10 TIMES the rate of BREAST
CANCER compared to women consuming the
HIGHEST level of vegetables.
Study: Human study in Australia
Results: Consumption of CABBAGE, CARROTS AND GREEN
LEAFY VEGETABLES substantial protection against
Study: Aichi Cancer Institute of Japan
Results: Eating VEGETABLES reduced the risk of CERVICAL
and BREAST CANCER in women.
Study: Cancer Control Agency of British Columbia
Results: Eating VEGETABLES dramatically reduced incidence
Question Four: If I have cancer, such as colon, lung,
or prostate cancer can I reverse it naturally?> The answer to this question is absolutely!!!!!!!
Once you understand the cause of ALL cancerous tissues as
latent tissue acidosis you can then begin the process of
reversing, regenerating and preventing the consequences
of acidic choices by making healthier alkaline choices.
In closing, I would like to share with you my vision of medicine
in the 21st century.
My vision of the relative purpose of medicine is to include
prevention of illness and promotion of health and fitness rather
than focusing all our attention on the diagnosis and treatment
of disease. I believe the ultimate purpose of medicine is to
help people discover something fundamental within
themselves. And that is the awareness that the true source of
well-being, joy, and contentment that we all seek lies within
one's mind and heart - the emotions and the spirit - not in the
physical world. This is important, so we can all begin to be
freed from the process of grasping for happiness in this
physical world. To support this approach, I believe we must
begin to embrace a more spiritual vision of ourselves and of
humanity as a whole. While providing great love, care and
attention to the physical body, medicine can then and only
then help people discover the nonphysical, spiritual
dimensions of themselves. When this happens, we can all live
and work with less fear, stress, grasping to preserve the
physical body at all costs - we can truly be free.INSYAALLAH.GOD BLESS AND AMEEN
My father was a bit of a raconteur so there were very few stories that we
hadn’t heard before. If anything, we had heard the same stories over and over
so many times that we would have known them verbatim, except that he was
also such an exaggerator, that with each repetition the stories became bigger
and more colourful. Still, we didn’t really mind, as he filled in a lot of family
history and we knew him well enough to sort out the black and white version
of his colourful tales.In his final year I spent most weekends sitting or lying on his bed and we would
talk. He had reached a point where he had accepted the inevitable, and as a
muslim his beliefs had him well prepared. I also think that his age, and the
fact that his body was so frail, had him feeling quite comfortable with it all. He
had time to do the things he needed or wanted to do and the opportunity to
say what needed to be said. He was at peace with himself.My father’s stories used to imply how much he knew, how brave and
masculine he was, how proud he was of his ability to work and support his
family. Things were always right or wrong, and he was the Patriarch and that
made him ‘King of the Castle’. I always thought that he was sure of himself
and I believed that he always felt that he was in control.When I wanted to know why my father did something in a way that seemed to
me to be totally unacceptable, he would often respond with, “That’s just the
way things are done”. I never found this an acceptable explanation. I noticed
that many of his generation used that phrase. It seems to me that my father’s
generation and all of the generations before him had a very strong mind set
about continuing to follow the old ways, regardless of whether or not they
thought them correct.
My father’s father used to cane him as a way of teaching him good behaviour.
“Spare the rod and spoil the child,” he would say. Caning was also the
punishment for bad behaviour when I attended school. We called it ‘Caning’
back then, but the principle was the same. These days we refer to it as ‘Child
Abuse’ and it is punishable by law. My father’s generation did not appear to question or challenge. My generation
is probably the first to really challenge the old ways of doing things. The
generation coming behind me has really turned things up-side down. The
generation coming through now are asking all the right questions and
demanding better solutions. If we all do away with blame, focus on our own
input and take care with our choices, things can only get better and better. If
we can’t forgive, let us try at least to understand and accept what went before.In his final year, through listening to his stories, I vicariously relived my father’s
childhood with him as the child and me as his best friend.FATHER, I THANK YOU FOR THE TIME YOU GAVE ME.INSYAALAH,He instilled in us strong ethical beliefs and reinforced
the importance of self-esteem We have no tolerance for class or race
discrimination. My father’s controlling and domineering traits taught us to stand
up for ourselves, think for ourselves and fight a good fight.MAY YOU REST IN PEACE,INSYAALLAH.GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
I ALEN NOORDIN promise myself to honour and give gratitude for the privilege of having this life.
I will view my existence as my most precious and valued gift, and
I will endeavour to be happy always,INSYAALLAH
My intention for this journey is to accept love, happiness and peace within each day.
I will operate from a place of respect and honesty with others and myself, and
I will be genuine and thoughtful in my actions.
I will consciously allow my heart to reach out and fill others.INSYAALLAH
I ALEN NOORDIN vow today to fill my body with all that promotes health and vitality.
I will commit to myself to treat my body to the best of my ability.
I will fill my mind with and maintain thoughts that inspire creativity, wisdom, knowledge and optimism.
I will speak of health, faith and happiness and share such words with all I meet.INSYAALLAH
Good fortune, success, prosperity and exciting opportunities will be embraced and received fully.
I will actively pursue quality relationships, enjoyable work and stimulating experiences.
I will be kind and gentle with myself, and allow myself to relax and be peaceful.
I will seek pleasure and excellence in my work as well as my play.INSYAALLAH
Today, I make my pledge to myself, and in my heart I will carry forward my commitment throughout all
Friday, February 6, 2009
To be stress free we must be healthy - To be healthy we must be stress free.INSYAALLAH
You are what you eat. Food provides energy. Every cell within your body
requires energy to live. The food you eat influences the health of new cells.
Cells die off and are replaced every minute of every day.
One of the first indications of stress is fatigue. Fatigue is the body’s wisdom
calling out for attention. Your diet can greatly influence your moods, alertness,
vitality and physical health. When your body is not properly nourished you may
become tired or depressed. Food is preventative medicine. It is vital to your
body's healing capacity.INSYAALLAH
The wrong foods pollute your body and can be considered poisonous. There is
strong evidence to prove that certain foods increase our protection from
diseases and illnesses. The direct cause of many diseases has been found to be
nutritional deficiency. Much information is given about diet and it can be quite
overwhelming.Here's how simple it is:
Eat fruits and vegetables everyday, ideally, eat at least 2 pieces of fruit and 5 vegetables,
Raw, unprocessed foods are superior,
Include oils, but preferably don’t heat them,
Eliminate or greatly reduce saturated fats,
Choose unprocessed grains, nuts, and legumes,
Eat only lean meat, in small quantities, and
Make seafood a first choice for protein.
Most importantly, make food enjoyable and varied. Minimize or eliminate caffeine, M.S.G, soft drinks,
white flour, sugar and animal fats. Be suspicious of any food that contains additives or bleaches or has been
chemically treated. Choose fresh food over tinned or packaged food.
Ideally, drink water. Dehydration is one of the main causes of fatigue and headaches. Without enough fluid,
your kidneys are overworked and you are less able to eliminate toxins. Coffee and soft drinks dehydrate
your body and also rob it of essential nutrients. Too much caffeine works like adrenaline, so it’s like an
artificial stress. Don't drink at meal times because your stomach needs undiluted acids to digest food.
Physical exercise breaks down stress in the body, produces a sense of well-being and increases energy.
Exercise is particularly good for increasing respiration and circulation and decreasing acidity. Exercise
greatly improves immune system function. Stretching and toning exercises help to release toxins and
oxygenate the cells, strengthen muscles, and release or ease body aches and minor pains.
Exercise also kick-starts the metabolism and helps to burn off calories improving digestion and elimination.
Many people hate exercising or simply cannot exercise. For these people, I highly recommend stretching,
swimming, or walking. One of the best things I have tried is the big exercise ball. It's ideal for the lazy
person, as you can sit and watch television and gently rock back and forth. If that’s not do-able, then at
least take 30 minutes a day and deep breathe. Deep breathing is beneficial as an aerobic exercise.INSYAALLAH.hopefully,sharing this information is a help to all,insyaallahGOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
latest photos
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dearest Children,you are now grown ups, I keep repeating that statement over and over in
my mind, trying to understand what it means. I have had your lifetime to
prepare for this, sometimes wanting it to come quickly and sometimes hoping
this day would never come. Most of the time though, I have been preparing
myself and preparing you, by madly gathering life’s questions and answers in
the hope that I haven’t forgotten anything. I keep revising the list inside my
head; checking off all the things I know I’ve already told you – so many times.
As tempting as it is to slip a few of the big ones into a casual conversation I
correct myself and let it go. An image of your face appears before me and I see
your eyes look upward and your mouth tighten with that expression of yours
that we both know so well. “dad I know – you have told me a hundred times
Protecting you and preparing you has been such a big part of who I am – it’s
hard to redefine myself and accept that my job is done.
I remind myself that this is about you, but as usual, here I am making it about
me again. Slightly neurotic, I find myself wanting to explain or apologize or gain
some kind of absolution from you. I want to go back into your history and call
myself to your attention and wipe the slate clean of all my mistakes. I do admit
that I have been selfish and hypocritical at times, and I don’t want you to leave
now thinking it was your fault or that you didn’t deserve better.
Yeah, yeah, I hear you say ‘Don’t worry about it, it doesn’t matter”.
I have such an urge to tell you of promises I made, as you slept below my heart
all those years ago. So very real and profound to me and so intense I’m sure I’
d weep if I even tried to tell you. You of course, would shift from one leg to the
other and endure my disclosure with discomfort and impatience.
I’m indulging myself, it’s my prerogative, but I have promised myself to keep it
all to myself. I want to reminisce, at a time when you have one foot out the
door. I’m going back to the baby and you are going forward to a grown up You
have freedom, independence and adventure on your mind. I know you are
ready; capable, competent and smarter than I’ll ever be.
My attitude shifts as I accept you don’t need any precautions, no more
moralizing; no more “You know what you should do…”
And even though I have represented myself as parent and teacher I see so
clearly that I have also been the pupil. I have learned so much from you, you
have played such a large part in moulding me into the person I am. You have
taught me well and I thank you.INSYAALLAH GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
Words and thoughts are the seeds that inspire heal and motivate us. Just one sentence, a song, poem,
proverb, affirmation or quotation can greatly influence or change our lives. Words of kindness or genuine
loving advice can be so profoundly healing.Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use
your heart.He, who loses money, loses much; He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all.Health and happiness are the two things that most people will tell you that they
desire the most. Ask a parent what they want most for their child and they will
almost always say, “I really don’t care, as long as they are healthy and happy.”
Sometimes, people say that they want love, success and wealth, but when
asked why, they think for a moment and then say because these things would
make them happy.
Often, people desire health above all else, but only when they feel that it is
threatened. People rarely think about health when they are young, fit and pain
or disease free.Happiness has fascinated me my entire life. I constantly seek it and play with it.
I’m getting better at prolonging it and faster at recognizing it.It takes a little concentration, sometimes memory and sometimes imagination.
Practice and focus have resulted in my ability to simply decide to be happy and
I remind myself to do this often. I used to wait and be surprised and delighted
when something caused me to be happy, until I realized that I could actually
attain happiness regardless of any event or situation.INSYAALLAH.GOD BLESS AND AMEEN.
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