Its a sunday a day b4 chemo no2 and 90% of my hair is gone, I miss seeing the old me in the mirror but thank allahswt that i am still strong physically and emotionally.Sleep have been more difficult last night with knowing chemo starts in less than 24hrs and the surprises the 2nd chemo going to give your guess is as good as mine. I pray god that it will be the same as the first because eating and drinking tasteless is bearable and as for hairdropping well theres not much more to drop. Next week will be travelling 4 the KL races and still deciding to drive or take the flight. i am trying to imagine on the flight with a mask to protect against any viral infection and those people who not know you on CHEMO might look at you with caution thinking all sorts of things but you cant blame them with so much going on nowadays.Its going to be a long week i am sure but as i write this i am also reminding myself once you are in the tunnel theres no turning back and but to keep going till you see the light and for me its the longest tunnel in the world.Till i write again next week to all muslim friends selamat berpuasa di bulan ramadan and to all other friends have a good weekend and to all my friends dont stop praying for me to give me strength and rid this illness from me GOD BLESS.