Open letter to all Malaysians.Soon the Balik Kampung exodus will begin for the Hari Raya holidays.There will be heavy traffic on the highways.Please exercise care and patience when on the road. Remember we can make a difference on the death toll. Let's all make a resolution for zero death toll.Think of your loved ones.They don't want to die yet and don't want to see you die. Remember being injured is also like being dead.So be careful Malaysians.Remember the old saying 'Biar Lambat Asalkan Selamat.' Our existence in this world is temporary, we will die one day but why not prolong it as long as possible. Yes you may say if the time is up then you cannot avoid it.But why test that time it may not be up yet but you make it happen. you may not die but cause others to die or badly injured including yourself. So 'berhati-hati bila memandu di jalan raya', we can make a difference.Already we got to battle with survival to live with ilnesses like cancer, heart attacks, diabetes and host of other life threatening illnesses.So let's start a 'Stand Up To Zero Road Death' as our slogan for the coming holidays.Remind one another at home, in the office, at the market, in the restaurant, coffee shops,anywhere. Let's talk zero road death. The best advertisement campaign is by word of mouth. Just imagine if we just do our part to remind one another to be careful. I am sure the mission will be accomplished. Live to tell your grandchildren you made a difference.