It is with much sadness and disappointment that Malaysia we all love is now becoming a never ending stage show of political drama.Since the March GE till now, the rakyat of different race,religion and culture whom have lived harmoniously all this while have been forced down their throat with political garbage.I am sure most of the rakyat are fed up with news on political bickering in the newspapers and on television.I am shocked that after the GE which the rakyat have spoken through the democratic process, we are now hearing that some elected reps may jump to another party etc etc. If it is true then these elected reps have no morals whatsoever. How can you be our leaders when you go against the basic principles and manifesto of your party that you were chosen to stand for election? Why was it good then and not now.So let's stop all this talk and once and for all with all BN YB making their stand known. It's not difficult, just make a press conference together and once and for all stop the political garbage and get on with running the country and give the rakyat a peace of mind. Or,is there any truth in what is being said about the crossover plan? What better Hari Raya gift can there be for the rakyat than a peace of mind. I think the elected reps owe the rakyat an explanation or an assurance, after all we put you there and don't forget we voted you for the party and the principles that you believed. Hidup Rakyat Hidup Malaysia Tanah Tumpah Darahku