MALAYSIA KITA SUDAH MERDEKA, and I am proud to say being Malaysian I feel MERDEKA. Heaven on earth is best described for our beloved Malaysia. We live in a harmonious,safe,up to date country with all Malaysians able to practise their religion without fear or favour,send our young ones to schools,get good medical facilities,good highways network,no natural disasters looming over our heads,no communications problems and to sum it up, whatever the best the world can offer in terms of anything we in Malaysia is not deprived.Sure there is the rich, the not so rich,the not so poor and the poor but all said and done there is no death of hunger, malnutrition or death due to being exposed to not having shelter. Yes fellow Malaysians we are a lucky lot and importantly MERDEKA MALAYSIANS. So let's stop playing politics,election's over, let's get on with working towards improving an already happy Malaysia and work hand in hand, government and opposition, and stop pointing fingers. And Malaysians, if politicians want to hold any political rally from now on, boycott them don't go if they have anything to say come to us, visit us or through the available media or the net. STOP talking and start working, and don't destroy our heaven on earth or you might just find the wrath of the RAKYAT MALAYSIA YANG MERDEKA. MERDEKA MERDEKA MERDEKA.HIDUP MALAYSIA FOR ALL MALAYSIANS.MALAYSIA TANAH TUMPAH DARAH KU.